¿La situación humanitaria en Colombia empeora según el informe anual de la OACNUDH?

La desigualdad social: Un problema de todos y todas
Carta de apoyo en respuesta a las amenazas de muerte contra Justapaz
Redacción: Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office
As a faith-based Anabaptist organization with 100 years of work for relief, development and peace, Mennonite Central Committee supports the work of JUSTAPAZ, an Anabaptist organization that has invested more than 28 years in the work of nonviolent community peacebuilding in Colombia, accompanying churches, community organizations, and victims of the armed conflict.
On February 28th, 2020, we learned of a pamphlet in which an illegal paramilitary group known as the “Águilas Negras” threatened to kill a group of social leaders, human rights defenders, organizations and journalists. This is the second time JUSTAPAZ has been included on such a list, a testament to how threatening their work for peace and justice is to perpetrators of violence and armed conflict.
In response to these threats, as members of the international community that value peace:
WE EXPRESS our solidarity and support for JUSTAPAZ as they respond to this threat against their lives and work.
WE REJECT all forms of violence against entities, communities, and individuals working to defend human rights in Colombia, including the staff of JUSTAPAZ.
WE DEMAND that the government of Colombia act immediately to investigate the death threats against JUSTAPAZ and activate appropriate protection mechanisms—including accelerated implementation of the Peace Accords – for JUSTAPAZ staff and others named in the threats, so that they can continue to work for human rights and peace.
WE AFFIRM our continued support of JUSTAPAZ and their work, and their vision of a Colombia where human rights, citizen participation, nonviolence, and reconciliation prevail.